Used by more than 10,000 vehicles daily, Appin Road is recognised by the NRMA as being one of the NSW’s most dangerous roads. Claiming the lives of dozens of community members over the past 20 years, a single carriageway, lack of barriers, the configuration of the road and immediate bushland have contributed to the dangers of Appin Road.
At the 2016 federal election both parties announced $50 million towards kick-starting the Appin Road upgrade, yet only $5 million was committed in the Federal Government’s 2016-17 budget. The Turnbull Government has shown an utter disregard for the urgent need to upgrade Appin Road, with no plans or allocated funds to complete more than cosmetic upgrades.
Quotes attributable to Dr Mike Freelander MP:
“The Federal Government ran on an Appin Road election platform in 2016. Two years later little has been done to progress with urgent upgrades. Our region deserves better”.
“Two years after the election the Federal Liberal Government has finally moved to remove 50 tree stumps. There is yet to be a commitment or work to begin on a dual carriage way, barriers on each side and in the middle, a public transport corridor and a wildlife corridor”.
“If the Federal Government is as sincere about the safety of our region as they seemed during the 2016 election – more than 5 million would have been allocated to Appin Road in the 2016-17 budget”.