Dr Freelander MP Secures $11,000 for WILMA, Women’s Health Centre

Dr Freelander MP Secures $11,000 for WILMA, Women’s Health Centre Main Image

21 March 2019

WILMA is a local women’s service operating out of Campbelltown that provides women centred health and wellbeing services that are empowering and evidence based in a safe supportive and holistic environment. WILMA is a longstanding support service for Macarthur women experiencing domestic violence, women who are English second language, new mothers, elderly women, isolated women and other members of the community.

The funds secured by Dr Freelander will purchase furniture for the WILMA Women’s Health Centre waiting area, counselling rooms and group room. The furniture will provide comfortable seating for the women utilizing WILMA services, allowing them to feel more at ease and secure especially in times of distress. This furniture will ensure more women are able to engage in programs and ensure that women feel a sense of comfort and desire to access services.

Quotes attributable to Dr Mike Freelander MP, Federal Member for Macarthur:

“Wilma is an invaluable community group that facilitates the growth of women fleeing from situations of domestic violence, abuse, women who are learning English as a second language, women from lower socio economic backgrounds and women experiencing hardship.”

“The addition of new furniture for the waiting room, counselling rooms and group rooms will add a sense of vibrancy to WILMA and women using services will feel welcome and comfortable in the space.”

“The updated furniture will ensure that the space is welcoming and will encourage women to feel comfortable visiting the space and using the programs.”